The book provides an overview of the various crowdfunding solutions, whether in the form of rewards-based donations, loans, or equity. The different solutions are presented mainly with the cooperation of the platforms in question. While I understand this perspective, as the actors have a good understanding of crowdraising processes, the fact that only a few actors are mentioned, and one of them is developed for an interview, puts too much emphasis on the latter at the expense of others. I would have appreciated if the book had a table for each type of fundraising comparing the different platforms, instead of just stating that it is important to compare them. When we buy a book on crowdfunding, implicitly, we expect some initial guidance.

What I was most looking for in this book was testimonies from project owners who have succeeded, as well as those who have failed, and knowing why they failed. Strangely, a series of testimonials from seven project owners appear at the end of the book, after the conclusion. I find this choice less than judicious for the book’s structure; it is what I was looking forward to the most, and I found it after the conclusion. It is a real disappointment.

As for the main points I gathered about crowdfunding in this book, first and foremost, what the authors regularly remind us of is that platforms like Kickstarter are self-collection tools. It is up to us to seek out contributors; the platform community does not come to us. Conversely, savings sites rely much more on the platform community.

But in reality, the truth is more complex. Fundraisings are often a mix of these strategies. The launch will be with family, friends, and enthusiasts (early adopters…) to reach a threshold that will leverage the rest.

Investing in communication, responding to each contributor, for example, is crucial. Do not rely on the platform site to create the desired community for you; it is up to you to do it well before launching a campaign.

Fundraisings are time-consuming; one should not underestimate the investment it represents both before, during, and after the campaign.

The timing and duration of the campaign are important; the most active periods are often the first and last week of the campaign. Campaigns should not be too long; for this, platforms are often the best advisors to estimate the optimal duration.

Fundraising campaigns not only generate money but also validate market studies, viability, and open doors to clients and partners.

The book is structured into seven chapters:

  • Discovering the crowdfunding universe for companies
  • Understanding the keys to crowdfunding, savings or self-collection site
  • The world of donation
  • The loan world
  • The world of equity
  • The different professions of crowdfunding
  • Preparing and succeeding in your collection
  • Publisher: Eyrolles
  • Release Date: February 11, 2016
  • Pages: 180
  • Price: €22